SPS – the standard for integrated sustainability management

Meet the growing challenge of achieving sustainability targets and fulfilling the expectations of customers, investors and authorities. Respond to the call for more sustainability with sustainability management according to the Sustainability Performance Standard (SPS): the practical, cost-efficient solution that future-proofs your sustainability management according to your needs. The SPS helps you to stay on track, use your resources efficiently and utilise your existing processes and sustainability measures. 


SPS Product Manager
Thomas Bastian



Easy access for SME
Easy to handle, directly applicable: especially suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises.


Millionfold proven methodology
Based on globally recognised ISO management system standards.


Clear results
Focus on the essential issues and measurable improvements.


Independent certification and verification by SQS.

A proven system for new challenges

Management system for sustainability and non-financial reporting

Regardless of whether your company is taking the first steps on its sustainability journey or has already implemented extensive measures: The SPS offers you clear structures and powerful tools to achieve ambitious targets efficiently. With the SPS, you can implement regulatory requirements, meet customer expectations and at the same time position yourself as a sustainable company. The SPS is your reliable partner on the way to long-term success.

Focus on performance

The SPS places particular emphasis on concrete measures and visible results. Companies develop clear steps, implement them and evaluate their impact. This pragmatic approach ensures that progress is not only achieved but also sustained. The SPS builds trust with customers and partners and supports you in strengthening your position in the market.

Certified and verified

The credibility of your sustainability performance and reporting is crucial. We use our expertise and reputation to achieve this. Our certification of the SPS management system officially confirms that your company is working strategically and consistently on its sustainability. The verification of your sustainability rating ensures the highest data quality and provides you and your stakeholders confidence in the impact of your efforts. The underlying esg2go standard also enables you to carry out meaningful benchmarking.

Continuous improvement

With the SPS, you are relying on the essential and proven approach of ISO management systems: Continuous improvement. The standard helps you to identify potential for improvement, implement targeted measures and continuously develop your sustainability strategy. Through this iterative process, you create sustainable added value, remain competitive and ensure your long-term success.

ISO Management Systems: Millionfold proven


Millions of companies around the world use ISO management systems (MS) to manage and improve their quality, environmental performance, occupational safety or information security. The success of these ISO MS is largely due to the PDCA approach and the underlying so-called harmonised structure, which is common to all major standards. The SPS utilises the basic elements of these standards for a simple and effective sustainability management system.

PDCA and the focus on the future

ISO management systems form the basis of the SPS and are used worldwide in millions of companies. They help to systematically improve quality, environmental performance and safety. The PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), developed by William Edwards Deming, is at the centre. This iterative process enables companies to continuously develop and sustainably secure progress.

Harmony in the ISO system 

The harmonised structure of the ISO management systems enables the seamless integration of various topics such as the environment, quality and occupational safety. This open structure also forms a strong foundation for sustainability management. With the SPS, you can utilise this potential for your company. If you already have an ISO management system, you can also build on what already exists and benefit from a wide range of synergies. In this way, you achieve an effective and efficient sustainability management system.

SPS: The System


The Sustainability Performance Standard (SPS) allows a targeted drive for sustainability performance. This is made possible by the interaction of three central elements: a sustainability management system that clearly specifies which aspects are really relevant through the double materiality analysis; independent certification of the management system by SQS; and a meaningful, verified ESG rating with the online tool esg2go.

Your Way to the SPS Certification

#1 – Download standard: Order the SPS checklist for free. To the download 


#2 – Setting up the management system: Based on the SPS checklist, you develop a lean management system that is optimised for your company thanks to the double materiality analysis.


#3 – GAP analysis: SQS evaluates the status quo of your management system and identifies gaps that need to be closed before certification.


#4 – ESG rating: With the esg2go tool (or an equivalent standard that must be recognised by the SQS in an equivalence procedure), you analyse and evaluate your sustainability performance.


#5 – Audit and certification by SQS: After full implementation, your management system will be audited by SQS and officially certified if it all requirements are met.


#6 – ESG rating verification: The independent verification by SQS confirms the accuracy and quality of your ESG rating data.

For Questions and a Certification Offer


Hello, I am Thomas Bastian

Would you like to establish, develop and certify your organisation's sustainability management? Are you faced with new demands from your customers or employees or legal requirements? We will be happy to help you overcome such challenges: Our account management team, our auditors and I as product manager will be at your side.

The importance of sustainable corporate management is constantly growing. It is not a state, but a path. Our aim is to accompany you on this path and help you move forward.

Please let us know how we can help. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Kind regards 
Thomas Bastian

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Download SPS as Checklist

Would you like to know what requirements the Sustainability Performance Standard includes? Download a checklist containing the most important information and parameters now. So, you get an overview of the content and structure of the standard.

Discover with the SPS the path to focussed and efficient sustainability management.

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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about the Sustainability Performance Standard

What is the SPS? +

The Sustainability Performance Standard (SPS) is an innovative standard developed by SQS to support SMEs in implementing and optimising their sustainability strategies.

Who can use the SPS? +

The SPS is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as larger organisations that wish to establish a structured sustainability management system.

How do I start with the SPS? +

The first step is to order the SPS checklist. A GAP analysis can then be carried out to record the current status of your company and create a clear basis for the next steps.

What is included in the GAP analysis? +

The GAP analysis helps to identify deviations between your current status and the requirements of the SPS standard. It serves as a basis for the development of targeted measures.

How long does it take to set up the SPS? +

The process usually takes 6 to 9 months, depending on the size and complexity of your organisation and the availability of the required data.

How long does a certification audit take? +

The audit takes between one and several days for the initial certification. Surveillance audits usually take between half a day and a full day, depending on the size and complexity of your organisation and the availability of the required data.

Can the SPS be integrated into existing management systems? +

Yes, the SPS is based on a harmonised structure that enables an easy integration into existing ISO management systems.

Is an SQS verification of the esg2go rating mandatory? +

No, at least one esg2go self-assessment must be available for the certification of the SPS. An SQS verification is not required but is highly recommended to increase credibility.

What are the benefits of an SQS verification? +

An annual verification by SQS provides security regarding internal reporting processes, increases the credibility of your sustainability strategy and builds trust with customers, investors and other stakeholders.

What data is required for the implementation? +

The required data usually comes from existing systems and reports, such as income statements and balance sheet, environmental indicators, social indicators and governance data.

How often is the SPS checked and audited? +

The certificate is valid for 3 years. After the major initial certification, and in the next recertification cycle, a surveillance audit is carried out in each of the following two years.

Can the SPS be applied internationally? +

Yes, the SPS is based on internationally recognised ISO standards and is therefore applicable for companies worldwide.

Which training courses are available? +

We offer specialised workshops and seminars to qualify your team for the implementation of the SPS. Contact us for details.

What costs are associated with the SPS? +

The costs depend on the size of your company and the scope of the certification. We will be happy to provide you with a customised offer.