Services at the highest level
Meet high expectations with quality assurance: SQS will show you the way.
It sounds trite: Service comes from «providing a service», the provision of a service to meet a need. Seen in this way, almost all individuals, businesses and organisations are service providers and together form today's global service economy. The successful ones in this respect are those that provide high-quality services. Whether in consulting, marketing, trade, transport or the transfer of knowledge and skills: Everywhere it is necessary to meet the ever increasing demands of customers, clients and other stakeholders at all times. Those who fail to meet expectations are also doing themselves a disservice.
ISO 9001 as a basis
SQS has the appropriate tools to promote quality assurance in companies and organisations that provide services and to establish it in a sustainable way. We evaluate and certify both inter-sectoral and industry-specific quality standards. Among the former, the well-known ISO 9001 standard is, of course, an excellent foundation for a company-specific management system, which brings constant improvement into focus as a permanent task for the organisation. It is compatible with other system standards and requirements, including the fields of the environmental management system (ISO 14001), occupational health and safety (ISO 45001) and risk management.
Specific offers
For quality assurance in industries with unique requirements, there are a variety of precisely coordinated tools. The quality of music schools (quarte), call centre services (DirectMarketing quality seal) or employment and integration programmes (SVOAM) can be certified, as can the management systems of medical practices (Good Medical Practice®) and the data protection management systems of organisations that process personal data (GoodPriv@cy® and DPCO). Wherever services are provided at a high level, SQS offers designated specialists to provide assistance for the quality assurance of management systems.