Quality management in the health and social services sector
Prescriptions for management systems in a high-quality health and social services sector.
Public hospitals, private hospitals and healthcare institutions, as well as many other businesses and organisations in the healthcare and social services sectors operate in a challenging, tense environment. Discussions about coverage (peripheral regions) and the problem of rapidly rising healthcare costs are a central issue in politics and society. Swiss healthcare and social services providers are well-placed in this respect: The education level is good, the business enjoys a high level of trust in society while the demand is rising. However, financial realities are compelling the industry to take measures to ensure that the quality of healthcare and social services that is expected by all stakeholders remains affordable in the future and develops further. The various institutions and actors must be prepared to be measured and compared using indicators, such as utilisation, cost per day and patient outcome and quality. In the environment that is increasingly shaped by market mechanisms, the results are often a question of continued existence. Important: True quality, increased efficiency and effectiveness and sustainability can only be achieved through savings. Optimisation and further development should be the aim at all levels of the organisation. Quality development must have an effect on the satisfaction and quality of life of those who benefit from it. This means that quality management is of decisive importance.
Process quality challenge
Managers, front line staff, patients and consumers, insurers, research organisations - the list of stakeholders in healthcare and social services goes on and on. In order to meet the requirements of a high-quality organisation in this complex environment, the efficient control of all processes through quality management by dedicated managers is of central importance. SQS has the right tools to implement the appropriate process management. Based on the ISO 9001 standard for integrated quality and management systems and other cross-industry standards such as ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety protection), we assess and certify a wide range of other quality standards for specific disciplines and needs. These include quality management for medical practices (Good Medical Practice®), the quality indicators of SODK-OST+ as well as the requirements for addiction help institutions (QuaTheDA).