ONR 4901 Risk management

Certification of risk management systems according to ONR 4901


Risk management goes hand in hand with entrepreneurial success. Not just limited companies which are obliged to assure systematic risk management as part of their internal control systems but also all other organizations in general are exposed to a more rapidly changing and complex business environment with the associated risks. These must be identified in good time and the necessary strategies, measures and success checks developed so as not to jeopardize success.


The user knows and reduces his entrepreneurial risks. These are clearly identified and systematically included in process control. Certified risk management enables the user to produce evidence for stakeholders (e.g. insurance companies, banks, boards of directors, authorities, auditors etc.) of a functioning risk management system and by doing so to increase confidence in good management practice. Risk management is a good instrument to generate transparency.

Target groups

Enterprises and organisations in all branches and of all sizes.


3 years - there is an annual audit to ensure that standards are being maintained and a recertification audit after three years.


ONR 49001 risk management can be combined with ISO 9001 (quality management) and all other management system standards.

Lead Auditor
Roland Rösti
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