ISO/IEC 42001

Information technology Artificial intelligence Management system


The development, implementation and use of artificial intelligence (AI) require a new approach to ethical and responsible technology applications and are increasingly becoming an indispensable part of good corporate governance. The international standard ISO 42001:2023 provides a framework for the management of AI systems based on risk assessment and ethical principles. As the leading certification organisation for management systems in Switzerland, SQS offers independent testing and certification of AI management systems in accordance with this standard. The SQS certificate also enjoys a high international reputation.


ISO 42001:2023 strengthens the awareness of ethical AI management (company-wide sensitisation). The standard promotes the identification and minimisation of risks associated with AI applications, ensures legal and contractual compliance and strengthens trust when dealing with customers, public organisations and partners in the field of artificial intelligence.

Target groups

Companies and organisations of all industry sectors and sizes that develop, deploy or use AI systems.


3 years - as part of continuous further development, a surveillance audit takes place annually and a recertification audit after 3 years.


The SQS certificate ISO/IEC 42001 is internationally valid.


ISO/IEC 42001 can be combined with ISO/IEC 27001 (IT security) and ISO 9001 (quality management).

Lead Auditor
Matthias Reetz
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