IFS Logistics; international featured standards; Version 2.3; June 2021

Standard for auditing logistical services in relation to product quality and safety


The IFS Logistics Standard secures the reliable execution of logistics contracts


By the application of the IFS Logistics Standard the product safety chain will be closed between manufactured and trade. The standard is internationally recognized and in general, a certification is causing a minimization of supplier audits. A company certified according the IFS Logistics Standard has a clear advantage in competition.

Target groups

National and international food logisticians.


1 year


The IFS Logistics SQS Certificate is valid internationally and is recognised as the GFSI standard by wholesalers worldwide.


The IFS Logistics Standard can be combined with ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management), ISO 22000 (food safety management system), IFS Food (Standard for auditing quality and food safety of food products) and IFS Broker.

Lead Auditor
Denise Kistler
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