HKN certificate of origin for electricity

Swiss Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) regulation regarding the certification of the means of production and the origin of electricity


A plant certification HKN is a prerequisite to benefit from the subsidy in accordance with the Energy Promotion Ordinance (EnFV). Operators of plants with a connected electric load of more than 30 kVA are obliged to have their power plant registered in the Pronovo Certificate of Origin System.


Inclusion in the Certificate of Origin System enables national and international trade of electricity and Certificates of Origin. Plant certifications result in qualification for energy promotion. The certified production figures are recorded in an HKN-CH database so as to prevent double trading of an ecological added value.

Target groups

Electricity producers


Plant certification unlimited < 300kW and 5 years for > 300 kW. Production certification monthly, quarterly or annually.


The HKN certificate of origin for electricity has national recognition.


The HKN certificate of origin for electricity can be combined with ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and "naturemade basic/star" (certification of electricity from renewable sources of energy).

Lead Auditor
Adrian Bretscher
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