Global SQS certification
Have your company certified worldwide by SQS. We help you to ensure that the same requirements are met across all your locations. Global certification by SQS enables you to realise synergies and strengthens the quality, credibility and «Swissness» of your company.
Global Certification Manager
Dr. med. Rafael E. Sinniger MBA HSG

Accreditation by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)

Our certificates are valid and recognised internationally

We have been certifying quality management systems since 1983

More than 9,000 customers trust our services
Flexible and customised
We know your company. We understand your specific requirements and the way you work. This is why we can organise global certification flexibly and in a way that is tailored to meet your needs, for example with audit teams that match your requirements profile with great precision, ensure continuity and enable you to make efficiency gains. What’s more, you receive all certification services from a single source.
Standardisation and benchmarking
Different countries, different customs. And different ideas of what quality and genuine customer satisfaction mean. If you have your locations abroad certified by SQS, two things are guaranteed: (a) they are all assessed uniformly, and (b) your international employees are all orientated towards the benchmark that you set at home in Switzerland.
Boosting Swissness
Products and services that are «Swiss made» stand for excellence, innovation and reliability across the world. This also applies to assessments. We consistently invest in people, technology and processes to ensure that our on-site and remote audits meet the highest standards. The Swissness of our certificates facilitates market access for your company on all continents.
Never change a winning team!
SQS is your certification partner in Switzerland. And it is accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS), an authority of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO. As a result, our certificates are also recognised throughout Europe (by the European Cooperation for Accreditation) and worldwide (by the International Accreditation Forum). Lastly, we are a founding member of IQNET, the global network of leading certification bodies. Our accreditation services and global network enable us to also offer you the quality of certification available in Switzerland internationally.

We are here for you!
It’s really quite simple: we can offer you the same service that you are used to from us in Switzerland worldwide. Nevertheless, you probably have one or two questions about international certification by SQS. That’s why we are here for you. Our account management team and I, as Global Certification Manager, will be happy to provide you with more information. Our aim is to make the international certification of management systems as easy as possible for you.
Please let us know how we can support you. We look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
Rafael E. Sinniger

Our services: what we certify
Companies and organisations with locations in different countries can combine these locations and have them certified as part of SQS’s global certification service. SQS certifies according to around 100 norms and standards across all sectors. This service is available to customers worldwide with virtually no restrictions.
Our methods: how we certify
SQS global certification is carried out on the basis of on-site and remote audits. The on-site audits are carried out by SQS employees or the local IQNET certification body, depending on the customer’s requirements. This flexibility enables us to offer you an optimised solution with the lowest possible economic and environmental costs.
Our IQNET partners: who we certify with
SQS is the exclusive partner of IQNET in Switzerland. IQNET is the largest global network for management system certifications and its partners are selected according to a strict qualification procedure. A best-practice assessment model supports its continuous improvement and consistent customer focus. IQNET is committed to complying with the relevant international auditing and certification standards, which is why IQNET certificates enjoy a high level of credibility worldwide. The more than 300,000 IQNET certificates issued in all major sectors of the economy bear witness to this.
IQNET was founded in 1990 by SQS and six other certification bodies who wanted to ensure a high level of market relevance and recognition for their certificates through the cooperation and expertise of network members. Today, IQNET has 36 members and 400 locations worldwide. The network is based in Bern.