Accredited SQS-certifications – Quality that counts!
With qualified and committed employees we guide our customers on the way to an accredited SQS-certification and sustainable success.
What is the significance of an accreditation in today's world?
Accreditation means the formal recognition of the technical and organisational competence of a certification body such as SQS to perform a specific service described in the scope of accreditation. Accreditation is a confidence-building measure that allows authorities, the economy and society to assess whether a certification body can perform certain tasks with the required high level of reliability. Because competence is the key to transparency, trust and comparability − quality that counts!
Why does an SQS-certification with international EA/IAF accreditation offer added value?
In connection with the certification of management systems, accredited SQS services − under the international umbrella structure of the «European co-operation for Accreditation (EA)» and the «International Accreditation Forum (IAF)» − offer certified customers a guarantee of international recognition and easier global market access. The high acceptance of the SQS-certification documents also strengthens the basis of trust in the customer-supplier relationship. Reliable procedures and international accreditation references increase the value of the service provided to the customer and the importance of certification to the user. This significantly reduces the risk of testing defects and non-recognition of certification documents for SQS-customers. Even for non-accreditable services, SQS implements the principles of accreditation.
Who checks the competence of SQS?
In Switzerland, it is primarily the Swiss Accreditation Service SAS, which is administratively subordinated to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). As an independent accreditation body organised under public law, the SAS audits certification bodies such as the SQS comprehensively and with a high level of control intensity according to internationally established standards. The SQS is thus subject to a strict and ongoing obligation to provide evidence of its accredited services.
What happens if the SQS does not strictly implement these rules?
Non-compliance with accreditation requirements is strictly sanctioned and any misuse can result in suspension or even withdrawal of accreditation. To prevent any sanctions, the SQS invests substantial resources in the further development of its employees, in process safety and in the optimisation of its systems. The SQS management system follows strict global standards with regard to integrity, traceability, competence and audit procedures. For SQS-customers this means that they can rely on stable conformity of their certification.
What advantages have SQS-certified organisations?
Our certification clients work with SQS auditors who receive continuous training, are fit in their specialist field and master advanced auditing techniques. As a certified customer, you receive useful support with regard to the effectiveness of your management system results and thus security and guarantee that the certification provides the expected benefits.
How do you recognize an accredited ISO-certification document?
End users and business partners in the supply chain are advised to ensure that certification documents always bear an official accreditation mark with the name of the accreditation body and the number of the certification body. Certification documents without such a mark are not protected as documents and therefore do not offer the same guarantees as an accredited SQS certification document.

SQS is the strong Swiss brand for certified management systems. It generates sustainable added value − internally and externally, nationally and internationally.
Silvio Genovese, Head of divison products, compliance and accreditations